Reducing Crime and Mental Distress in our Communities – Priceless!

Mental HealhtIN our blog, “Divergence to Health,” we discussed how expensive it is to be sick.  We talked about how much money it costs the taxpayer to fund illness,  specifically, mental illness.

Interestingly enough, my husband got a letter in the mail today from a member of Congress in the House of Representatives in Congress, Rich Nugent. The letter states:

“Many people don’t realize this, but an extraordinary amount of your tax dollars go to covering the cost of re-incarcerating the same people over and over again in our mails. In some of those cases, it’s because of career criminals. But in many other cases, it’s because the individuals in our nation’s justice system are suffering from untreated mental health issues.”

Now, let’s put this in perspective. In a study by the Florida Mental Health Institute over a five-year period, 97 individuals in Miami-Dade County accounted for 2200 bookings resulting in 27,000 days in jail and 13,000 days in crisis units, state hospitals, and emergency rooms.

How much do you think that cost? The cost to state and local taxpayers for incarcerating these 97 individuals alone was $13 million.

$13 million dollars to feed and house career criminals with untreated mental health issues. When local schools are struggling to meet their needs, and they’re cutting back on arts, music and physical education and teachers are grossly underpaid for the jobs they do, I think $13 million dollars would go a very long way in the school systems.

I also think $13 million would go a long way in working with the mentally ill, to halt and possibly reverse the damage that has been done.   Why do we continue to just cover up the problems and not go after solutions?

Whether you’re talking about ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, OCD, rage, or cognitive impairment, the solutions for minimizing symptoms all lie in nutrition.   Simple solutions for a complicated subject. We at Florida Brain Health are working to bring those solutions forward so we can be a collaborative part of bring mental wellness back to Florida’s communities.

What’s worth minimizing symptoms of mental health through nutrition? $13 million dollars?

Reducing crime and mental distress and making our communities safer and healthier?   Mental Wellness?  PRICELESS!


Visit us at for more information on Brain Health and Mental Welness.

Divergence to Health

Let’s say you’re traveling along the road to Mental Wellness and you come to a fork.

Fork in the Road

Which way will you go?

In this scenario, if you go to the left, you will find brain trauma, depression, anxiety, inability to focus and other mental disorders or conditions.  You become addicted to mind-altering psychotropic medications. You will spend either your life savings or the American taxpayer’s money on these drugs, (or both), OR…..not to worry because insurance will pay for them! You will damage your liver from all the toxic side effects, and you will never see the light at the end of the tunnel because these drugs will eventually take away your personality and your will to try anymore, making you depressed, anxious and foggy-headed, maybe suicidal! But you don’t care because __________________________?? You will have to finish that sentence.

Now, if you go to the right, you will go through a process that begins to rebuild your health and your mind. It will be uncomfortable sometimes, because anything worthwhile will be a bit stressful, but that is what refines you. The cost of this process will be about 80% less expensive than the scenario to the left, so your life savings is still intact, and the taxpayers’ money can pay for something else, like building new communities and enriching children’s lives. Nope, insurance won’t help you out here. But you heard that you can help advocate that change. Insurance to pay for prevention? Now there’s a thought!   You feel a little excited knowing you could help make that change. After some time, about 3 months, you begin to feel better! You’re not taking as much medication anymore, or not even taking any now, and your mind is clear, you can’t wait to wake up in the morning to tackle your day, and people are asking you how you changed! And you DO care because ______________________??

Are you ready to help change the world?